Meet Sam Maddox
Sam Maddox is co-founder and former Knowledge Manager of the Reeve Foundation Paralysis Resource Center. He was also the principal biomedical research writer for the Foundation, covering SCI-related science. Maddox is author of several books related to chronic health and paralysis, including three editions of the Paralysis Resource Guide; over 200,000 copies of the PRG have been distributed by the Reeve Foundation.
In 1992 Maddox wrote the first comprehensive history of spinal cord injury research, Quest for Cure. He wrote and published the much-acclaimed resource book Spinal Network, and founded New Mobility, the leading disability magazine for the last three decades. Maddox was a steering committee member of The Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, which develops and disseminates evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to professionals and consumers.
Maddox has been a reporter for many magazines, including Time, Money and People. Maddox is a graduate of the University of Colorado, where taught in the School of Journalism. He lives in Los Angeles.
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