SoCal Edition
Spinal Cord Injury: The First 90 Days is a guide to acute SCI. There are two editions, one for the ten-county, 23 million population Southern California area, and one for the eight-state Rocky Mountain region. First 90 Days is distributed free in print and online. The books offer a roadmap to people with spinal cord injuries who have suddenly landed on a very strange new planet.
SCI First 90 Days details the first hours, days and weeks after traumatic injury; it defines the injury and outlines basic medical care now and in the future. In easy-to-understand language, the book offers detail on the complex medical and psychological issues that define sci.
The book offers detail on SCI inpatient rehab centers in each region. The centers are ranked in four tiers, based on patient volume and independent accreditation.
The book explains insurance coverage, rehabilitation best practices, self-care and coping strategies, expected outcomes, assistive technology and equipment, home modification, and the steps needed to return to the community. The book also offers an overview of legal rights and legal options in the event an injury may have been caused by someone else.
Regional editions are filled with local resources on health care, fitness, independent living, sports and recreation and much more.
The book is written by Sam Maddox, creator of Spinal Network, New Mobility, the Hub of SoCal, and the Paralysis Resource Guide (from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation).
SCI: The First 90 Days is intended to reach patients and their families in the very acute stages of injury – before any assignment to an inpatient rehab facility has been made. The books are also of great value once rehab begins, and as a resource to the SCI community at any time in the recovery process.
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